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Khrestovozdvyzhenska church

Orthodox church and Rayevskys family crypt is located in the village of Rozumivka, Oleksandriiskyi district in Kirovohrad region.
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Khrestovozdvyzhenska church

Orthodox church and Rayevskys family crypt is located in the village of Rozumivka, Oleksandriiskyi district in Kirovohrad region.

Stone church in the name of Holy Cross was founded May 3, 1883 instead of the old wooden one at the burial site General Nikolai Rajewski. General commanded to bury him on this hill, because this part of the family estate reminded him of the former battles. The final construction was completed only in 1855.

From 2005 to 2008 the church restoration was done as part of the project on creation of Historical and Memorial Preserve of the Rayevskys family crypt.

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Kirovogradsky region, Kirovograd region. village Rozumivka

48.831151 | 32.149703

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